Bylaws of JSAS

日本アニメーション学会 内規


制定 1998 年9 月19日
改訂 2024年3月30日

本会会則第 28 条に基づき以下に内規を定める。

1. 理事会運営規定

(1998 年 9 月 19 日/2005 年 1 月 29 日改訂/2010 年 1月 30 日改訂/2021年4月10日改訂)

(1) 理事会は定例理事会と臨時理事会とする。

(a) 定例理事会は年 4 回以上開催される。

(b) 臨時理事会は必要に応じて開催される。

(2) 理事の定員は 20 名以内とする。

(3) 理事会の審議事項は以下の通り。

(a) 本会に設置する支部、委員会、研究部会に関する件(会則第 3 条)

(b) 新入会員の承認に関する件(会則第 7 条)

(c) 会長、副会長の推薦に関する件(会則第 13 条第 1 項および第 2 項)

(d) 会長指名理事の推薦に関する件(会則第13 条第3 項)

(e) 監事指名に関する件(会則第 13 条第 4 項)

(f) 顧問指名に関する件(会則第 13 条第 5 項)

(g) 臨時総会招集に関する件(会則第 17 条)

(h) 総会の決議事項に関する件(会則第 18 条第 4 項)

(i) 本会解散に関する件(会則第 26 条)

(j) 内規に関する件(会則第 28 条)

(k) 活動計画案、活動報告に関する件

(l) 予算案、決算に関する件

(m) 期毎の収支報告・承認に関する件

(n) 期毎の各支部、各委員会、各研究部会等の報告・承認に関する件

(o) 他団体との共同、協賛活動に関する件(名義使用に関する件を含む)

(p) その他

(4) 理事会は必要に応じて電子メール審議を行うことができる。メール審議の規定は以下の通り

(a) 緊急を要する審議事項があり、かつ理事会の招集が困難であると会長が判断した場合、会長はメールでの審議を理事に要請することが出来る。

(b) 理事は会長にメール審議の発議を求めることが出来る。

(c) 発議は会長によってなされ、全理事に審議事項に関するメールが配信される。

(d) 理事は審議事項に関するメールに返信することで自らの意見を返信することができる。このとき返信は他の全理事に公開しなければならない。

(e) 回答・検討期間は最低5日以上とし、会長が事前に指定する。

(f) 審議の決定には全理事の過半数の賛成が必要とされ、可否同数の場合は会長が決定する。

(g) 決定内容について、会長は理事会にて報告義務を負う。

(5) 理事会は必要に応じてテレビ会議の方法により開催することができる。

2. 本会の組織および職務分掌

(1998 年 9 月 19 日/2003 年 1 月 11 日/2005 年 1 月29 日改訂/2021年4月10日改訂/2022年6月11日改訂/2023年12月3日改訂)







3. 支部規定

(2017 年 6 月 25 日)


(a) 理事会は会則第 1 章総則第 3 条に基づき、総会の承認を経て、支部ならびに支部運営委員会を設立することができる。

(b) 理事会は支部の運営が適切に為されていないと判断した場合、総会の承認を経て、当該支部を解消することができる。







4. 研究部会の活動

(1998 年 9 月 19 日/2005 年 1 月 29 日/2015 年 6 月 7日「3. 組織の新設」より改訂)

(1) 研究部会は定期的に活動を行い、その活動は学会員に対し開かれたものでなければならない。

(2) 研究部会の設立と運営

(a) 研究部会の設立を希望する者は、名称・活動目的・活動概要・代表者名・参加予定者名等の事項を記載した申請書を研究・教育委員会に提出する。

(b) 研究・教育委員会は申請内容を理事会に報告し、理事会がこれを承認する。


(d) 研究部会の代表者は当該研究部会内の決定によってこれを変更することができる。新たに代表者となった者は研究・教育委員会にこれを報告し、研究・教育委員会はこれを理事会に報告する。



5. 冠婚葬祭の対応

(1998 年 9 月 19 日/2005 年 1 月 29 日/2015 年 6 月 7日改訂/2021年4月10日改訂)

(1) 役員が係わる葬祭に対して、その一親等の範囲内で会長名義の弔電を贈る。

(2) 役員ならびに名誉会員の葬儀に対しては、会長名義の弔電、献花を贈る。

(3) (1)(2)に該当しない者の葬祭に対し有志の会員が弔電、献花を贈る際には、会長の承認を得た上で「日本アニメーション学会有志」という名称を使用することができる。会長はこの承認を理事会に報告する。

6. 名義使用

(1998 年 9 月 19 日)

本会則内規 1.(2)(o)の内、他団体活動への本会名儀使用(共催・後援・協賛・協力等)に関する件は次の条件を満たすこととする。

(1) 前述「他団体」は官公庁、公益法人あるいは公益的法人であることを原則とする。

(2) すでに名義使用を承認した「他団体」であり、前回と異なる条件があっても本会にとって支障がないと判断できる場合。

7. 理事選挙規定

(2000 年 1 月 29 日/2005 年 1 月 29 日改訂/2008 年 3月 22 日改訂/2012 年 4 月 14 日改訂)

会則第 13 条に基づき理事選出に関し以下に定める。

(1) 〈選挙人〉選挙を実施する年の 4 月 1 日現在の正会員(選挙人名簿記載)。

(2) 〈被選挙人〉選挙を実施する年の 4 月 1 日現在の正会員(選挙人名簿記載)。

(3) 〈選挙方法〉

(a) 選挙は投票によって行う。

(b) 投票は無記名、連記(定員)とする。

(c) 選挙定員は 10 名とする。


(5)〈開票・集計〉選挙管理委員会に於いて投票締切後の 2週間以内に開票集計を行う。

(6)〈無効投票〉無効の判別は、以下の 1 項目でも該当する投票について、当該投票用紙に記載された当該選挙に関する全てを無効とする。

(a) 投票締切を過ぎた消印のもの。

(b) 開票後に到着したもの。

(c) 定員を超えた記載のもの。

(d) 指定枠外に記載のもの。

(e) 識別不可能な記載のもの。

(f) 被選挙人以外の氏名を記載したもの。




(10)〈繰上げ当選の停止および補欠選挙〉総会に於ける会長等の選出承認等役員選出終了後は、理事欠員補充の為の繰上げ当選は認めない。またその為の補欠選挙は行わない。 以後の理事補充は、会則第 13 条 3 項による会長の指名によって行う。



(a) 理事会は、理事および理事以外の正会員若干名を選挙管理委員会委員として指名し委嘱する。

(b) 選挙管理委員の互選により委員長を選出する。

(c) 選挙管理委員の任期は選挙終了迄とする。

(d) 理事当選者の最初の会議は、会則第 15 条にかかわらず選挙管理委員長の招集によって開催。正副会長選出の決議・推薦等役員選出にかかわる議事の議長を同委員長が勤める。

(e) 本選挙規定以外の事態が発生した場合は、当該事態について選挙管理委員会が判断の上処理し、理事会の承認を得なければならない。

8. 新入会員の権利発効時点

(2000 年 1 月 29 日)

新入会員の会則第 9 条による会員の権利の発効は、理事会承認後当会事務局が当該年度会費の納入確認の時点とする。

9. 会費納入



10. 会費未納者の扱い


(1)  役員改選前年度末日(3 月 31 日)時点で当該年度会費未納の場合は選挙人名簿に記載せず、選挙権を失うものとする。

(2) 会費を3年滞納した場合、会則第11 条に基づき全ての会員資格を失うものとする。

11. 会員に退会を求める


(1) 会員は、別に定める退会届けを理事会に提出し承認を受けることで、任意に退会することができる。

(2) 任意に退会した者は、随時再入会をすることができる。

(3) 本会則内規10.(2)により会員資格を喪失した者は、会員資格を喪失するまでの会費未納分を全額支払うことで、随時再入会をすることができる。


(2008 年 6 月 22 日)

(a) 事務局長は正会員の中から会長が指名し、本人の合意をもって就任が決定される。

(b) 事務局員は正会員の中から事務局長が指名し、本人の合意をもって就任が決定される。

(c) 事務局長、事務局員の指名者は就任決定後理事会への報告義務を負う。

(d) 事務局長、事務局員は本人の意志によってその任を退くことができる。


(2016 年 12 月 4 日/2018 年 9 月 22 日改訂/2024年3月30日)




(4) 本会の事業・運営に必要な作業補助のためにアルバイトを雇用することができる。雇用条件は細則(経費)に定める通りとする。



以 上

Bylaws of the Japan Society for Animation Studies

June 11th, 2022.

The following Bylaws shall be stipulated based on Article 28 of the Society Regulations.

1. Board Operating Regulations

(1) Board meetings shall include regular and extraordinary board meetings.
(a) A regular board meeting shall be held at least four times a year.
(b) An extraordinary board meeting shall be held as needed.

(2) The maximum number of directors shall be 20.

(3) The matters to be deliberated by the board of directors shall be as follows:
(a) Matters concerning branches, committees, and research groups to be established in the Society (Article 3 of the Society Regulations)
(b) Matters concerning approval for new members (Article 7 of the Society Regulations)
(c) Matters concerning the recommendation of the president and vice-presidents (Article 13 (1) and (2) of the Society Regulations)
(d) Matters concerning the recommendation of directors appointed by the president (Article 13 (3) of the Society Regulations)
(e) Matters concerning the appointment of auditors (Article 13 (4) of the Society Regulations)
(f) Matters concerning the appointment of advisors (Article 13 (5) of the Society Regulations)
(g) Matters concerning the convocation of an extraordinary general meeting (Article 17 of the Society Regulations)
(h) Matters concerning the items to be resolved at general meetings (Article 18 (4) of the Society Regulations)
(i) Matters concerning the dissolution of the Society (Article 26 of the Society Regulations)
(j) Matters concerning the Bylaws (Article 28 of the Society Regulations)
(k) Matters concerning activity plans and reports
(l) Matters concerning budget proposals and the settlement of accounts
(m) Matters concerning the income and expenditure report and approval for each period
(n) Matters concerning the reporting and approval of each branch, committee, and research group for each period
(o) Matters concerning joint and sponsored activities with other organizations (including matters related to the use of the name)
(p) Others

(4) The board of directors may conduct e-mail deliberations as necessary. The rules for e-mail deliberations shall be as follows:
(a) If the president determines that there are urgent matters to be deliberated and it is difficult to convene the board of directors, the president may request directors to deliberate by e-mail.
(b) Directors may request the president to propose an e-mail deliberation.
(c) The proposal shall be made by the president and an e-mail shall be sent to all directors regarding the matters to be deliberated.
(d) Directors may state their opinions by replying to the e-mail regarding the matters to be deliberated. At this time, the reply must be made public to all other directors.
(e) The response/examination period shall be at least five days and shall be specified in advance by the president.
(f) The decision of deliberation shall require the approval of a majority of all directors, and in a tie vote, the president shall cast the deciding vote.
(g) The president shall be obliged to report the decision at a board meeting.

(5) The board of directors may hold a video conference as necessary.

2. Organization of the Society and Division of Duties

The division of duties of the secretariat and committees shall be as follows:
(1) Secretariat: responsible for all general affairs related to the operation of the Society.
(2) General Affairs Committee: creates a plan for the operation of the Society based on the instructions of the board of directors, and carries out various affairs in its implementation. It carries out operational affairs entrusted by the board of directors, and its activities must be reported to and approved by the board of directors. The committee may operate the Society’s official website.
(3) Research and Education Committee: promotes and coordinates various activities and research for the Society. It cooperates and promotes the study group activities of other academic societies. The committee may also provide advice and support to various educational institutes on behalf of the Society, and conduct research and enlightenment activities, such as seminars sponsored by the Society, and publication activities (including electronic publication).
(4) Journal Editorial Committee: supervises the peer review of research results published in the journal of the Society and the editing of the journal.
(5) Harassment Prevention and Countermeasures Committee: responsible for the prevention of and countermeasures against harassment related to the Society.

3. Branch Regulations

(1) Establishment and dissolution of branches
(a) The board of directors may establish a branch and a branch steering committee after gaining approval at a general meeting, pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 1. General Rules of the Society Regulations.
(b) If the board of directors determines that a branch is not properly operated, it may dissolve the branch after gaining approval at a general meeting.

(2) Operation of branches
(a) The branch representative shall be elected by a vote among branch steering committee members and take office with the approval of the board of directors.
(b) The Branch Steering Committee may hold a branch meeting and decide the branch’s operating rules and activity policy as long as they do not conflict with the Society Regulations.
(c) The branch shall conduct research activities on a regular basis. The activities must be open to Society members.
(d) The branch representative shall be obliged to report to the board about branch meetings and research activities.
(e) The branch shall have the right to request the funding for each fiscal year from the Society, and shall be obliged to report financial results and obtain approval at a board meeting.

4. Activities of Research Groups

(1) Research groups shall carry out activities on a regular basis, and the activities shall be open to Society members.

(2) Establishment and operation of research groups
A research group shall be established and operated under the supervision of the Research And Education Committee in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) Those who wish to establish a research group shall submit an application describing the name of the group, purpose of the activity, outline of the activity, name of the representative, and names of the prospective participants to the Research and Education Committee.
(b) The Research and Education Committee shall report the application to the board of directors, which shall be responsible for granting or declining approval.
(c) The representative of the research group approved by the board of directors shall report the activity plan and results to the Research and Education Committee every year. The Research and Education Committee shall report this to the board of directors.
(d) The research group may change its representative on its own accord. The new representative shall report this to the Research and Education Committee, which shall report this to the board of directors.
(e) If the activities of the research group are not carried out in accordance with the above provisions, the Research and Education Committee may request a report from the research group. As a result, if it is determined that the research group should not continue, the board of directors may decide to dissolve the research group at the request of the committee.
(f) A reapplication for the establishment of a dissolved research group shall not be precluded.

5. Ceremonial Occasions

(1) A telegram of condolence in the name of the president shall be sent to funerals of relatives of officers within the scope of the first degree of kinship.

(2) A telegram of condolence and flowers in the name of the president shall be sent to the funerals of officers and honorary members.

(3) When volunteer members send a telegram of condolence and flowers to a funeral of a person who does not fall under (1) or (2), the name “Volunteers of the Japan Society for Animation Studies” may be used after obtaining the approval of the president. The president shall report this approval to the board.

6. Use of the Name

The following conditions shall be met for the use of the Society’s name for the activities of other organizations in 1.(3)(o) of the Bylaws (co-sponsorship, sponsorship, cooperation).
(1) In principle, the above-mentioned “other organizations” are public offices, public interest corporations or quasi-public interest corporations.

(2) They are “other organizations” for which the use of the name has already been approved, and it can be judged that there is no problem for the Society even the conditions differ from those in the previous case.

7. Director Election Regulations

The election of directors shall be subject to the following provisions based on Article 13 of the Society Regulations.

(1) Electors: regular members as of April 1 of the year in which the election is held (listed in the pollbook)

(2) Candidates: regular members as of April 1 of the year in which the election is held (listed in the pollbook)

(3) Election method
(a) The election shall be conducted by voting.
(b) Voting shall be conducted on an anonymous basis and in a multiple-entry ballot system (available seats).
(c) The number of available seats in the election shall be 10.

(4) Voting deadline: The vote shall be postmarked on or before the date set by the election commission and notified to the candidates.

(5) Ballot counting: The election commission shall count the ballots within two weeks after the voting deadline.

(6) Invalid voting: All of the votes that fall under any of the following shall be invalidated:
(a) Votes postmarked on a date that has passed the voting deadline
(b) Votes that arrived after the ballot counting
(c) Votes with entries that exceed the number of available seats
(d) Votes with entries outsides the designated frame
(e) Votes with indiscernible entries
(f) Votes with names other than the candidates

(7) Candidates with the same number of votes: If there are multiple candidates who have won the same number of votes for the last director seat, the election commission shall draw lots to determine the winner.

(8) Confirmation of assuming office: Winners are requested to submit an acceptance letter or a letter of refusal stating the reason by the designated date. Winners who do not clarify their intentions by the date shall be deemed to have no intention of assuming office.

(9) Election of the runner-up due to another’s refusal: If there is a vacancy due to another’s refusal to assume office, the runner-up shall be awarded the election.

(10) Suspension of the election of the runner-up due to another’s refusal and by-election: After elected officers, such as the president, are approved at a general meeting, the election of the runner-up to fill the vacancies of directors shall not be accepted. There shall be no by-elections for that purpose. Thereafter, the president shall appoint members as directors to fill the vacancies pursuant to Article 13 (3) of the Society Regulations.

(11) Announcement and the end of the election: The election shall end with the announcement of the election results and the approval of all elected officers at the first annual ordinary general meeting, which is held after the election.

(12) Supplementary provisions
(a) The board shall appoint and commission some directors and regular members other than directors as members of the election commission.
(b) The chairperson of the election commission shall be elected by a vote among the commission members.
(c) The term of office of the election commission shall be until the end of the election.
(d) The first meeting of the elected directors shall be convened by the chairperson of the election commission, notwithstanding Article 15 of the Society Regulations. The chairperson shall serve as the speaker of the proceedings related to the election of officers, including resolutions and recommendations for the election of the president and vice-presidents.
(e) In the event of a situation not pursuant to these election provisions, the election commission shall handle the situation after making a judgment, and obtain the approval of the board of directors.

8. When the Rights of New Members Come into Effect

The rights of new members stipulated in Article 9 of the Society Regulations shall come into effect when the secretariat of the Society confirms the payment of the annual membership fee after approval by the board of directors.

9. Payment of Membership Fee

Members must pay the annual membership fee within three months (not later than June 30) from the start of the new fiscal year (April 1).
If the fee is paid after the due date, the rights stipulated in Article 9 of the Society Regulations shall be restored from the date of payment.

10. Members in Arrears

Members who have not paid the annual membership fee as of the end of the fiscal year (March 31) before the election of officers shall not be listed in the pollbook and shall lose their right to vote.

11. Asking Members to Withdraw

If a member who has lost the voting right stipulated in 10 has not paid as of the end of the fiscal year (March 31) before the election of the next officers, he/she shall lose all membership qualifications based on Article 11 of the Society Regulations.

12. Secretary-general and Secretariat Staff

(a) The secretary-general shall be a regular member appointed by the president, and the appointment will be confirmed only after the consent of the regular member.
(b) The secretariat staff shall be regular members appointed by the president, and the appointment will be confirmed only after the consent of the regular members.
(c) The nominators of the secretary-general and secretariat staff shall be obliged to report the appointment to the board of directors after the appointment is decided.
(d) The secretary-general and secretariat staff may resign from their duties at their own will.

13. Expenses

(1) Payments to performers at lectures, symposiums, and workshops held by the Society and its internal organizations shall be as set forth below.
(a) Rewards and transportation expenses may not be paid to member performers.
(b) 10,000 yen may be paid as transportation expenses to non-member performers.
(c) In addition to (b), an accommodation subsidy of 5,000 yen may be paid to non-member performers who require accommodation.
(d) If a non-member performer costs more than the above payment amount due to special circumstances, the payment amount may be decided by the board of directors.

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