
日本アニメーション学会 第14期会長(第4代)
横浜国立大学 教授
The fourth President (2020-)
Akiko Sugawa-Shimada, PhD.
Professor in Cultural Studies, Audience/Fan Studies of Yokohama National University
I am honored to continue to serve as President for the 14th term of the Japan Society for Animation Studies (JSAS). I will make my best effort in my third term as President and look forward to your continued support.
JSAS celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023. As the first academic research organization for animation studies in Japan, JSAS has been a place for the last quarter of a century where animation researchers and practitioners from Japan and abroad can gather and exchange their ideas. For the next 25 years, I would like to set forth two guiding principles. The first is to preserve our archives of how the society has developed since its establishment for the next generation by reflecting on the social significance and history of this research organization as established by our predecessors. The second is to expand the scope of international exchange and actively disseminate animation research produced in Japan.
As specific initiatives for the society’s 14th term, we will continue the goals from the previous term of promoting “international animation research activities originating from Japan” and “streamlining the operation of the association through digitization.” As for the previous term’s initiative of the “revitalization of research division and branch activities,” we also plan to continue to increase the number of new members and to actively provide opportunities for graduate students, among others, to make presentations, as well as to enhance our research database. Lastly, in pursuit of the “enhancement of the Japanese Journal of Animation Studies,” we aim to strengthen the editorial system.
Animation research is conducted across various interdisciplinary fields, and our members’ professional backgrounds and areas of specialization are vibrantly diverse. Indeed, scholars with various areas of interest in relation to animation research gather together at JSAS and have lively discussions that push animation research forward into fresh directions. We look forward to your participation in working with us this term as we continue to develop exciting new approaches to animation research.